[92][93] Later that same day, Paul gave a televised interview with Nader saying much the same again. There was blood on the mattress, even she was covered with blood. The world had to equip itself to act collectively against genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. Paul went on to say that it will be more locally controlled, unlike the previous Ron Paul Channel. It was this group that eventually crossed Bosnian Serb lines to reach Bosnian government territory on and after 16 July. [21] "[309] The briefing cited previous accounts: The accuracy of these numbers is challenged: the OTP noted that although Ivanišević's book estimated that around 1,200 Serbs were killed, personal details were only available for 624 victims. [130] It could also be established that explosives and machine guns had been used. The bodies were taken to Bratunac or simply dumped in the river that runs alongside the road. [26][27][28] Gammage underestimated Paul's popularity among local mothers: "I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he practiced, because he'd delivered half the babies in the county. [178], On 16 November 1995 Radovan Karadžić, "President of the Republika Srpska" and Ratko Mladić, Commander of the VRS, were indicted by the ICTY for their alleged direct responsibility for the war crimes committed in July 1995 against the Bosnian Muslim population of Srebrenica. [330] General van den Breemen denied having said such a thing and called Sheehan's comments "total nonsense", Sheehan's remarks were also dismissed by the Dutch authorities as, "disgraceful" and "unworthy of a soldier". [126], Aerial photographs, taken on 17 July 1995 of an area around the Branjevo Military Farm, show a large number of bodies lying in the field near the farm, as well as traces of the excavator that collected the bodies from the field. A second, smaller group of refugees (estimated at between 700 and 800) attempted to escape into Serbia via Mount Kvarac via Bratunac, or across the river Drina and via Bajina Bašta. Miletić was found guilty of murder by majority, persecution, and inhumane acts, specifically forcible transfer, and received 19 years in prison. [44] He worked with his Foundation for Rational Economics and Education on such projects as establishing the National Endowment for Liberty, producing the At Issue public policy series that was broadcast on the Discovery Channel and CNBC,[33] and continuing publication of newsletters. The Bosnian men who had been separated from the women, children and elderly in Potočari numbering approximately 1,000 were transported to Bratunac and subsequently joined by Bosnian men captured from the column. Peter Walsh and his team arrived at Gostilj, just outside Srebrenica, in the early afternoon only to be turned away by VRS forces. [22], In 1974, incumbent Robert R. Casey defeated him for the 22nd district. [197], In June 2013, Paul criticized the NSA surveillance program and praised Edward Snowden for having performed a "great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret". Paul also said that under no circumstances would he be endorsing either of the two main parties' candidates (McCain—Republican Party, or Obama—Democratic Party) because there were no real differences between them, and because neither of them, if elected, would seek to make the fundamental changes in governance that were necessary. [235], Paul and his wife currently reside in Lake Jackson, Texas. There were Serbs who stabbed her in the stomach, cut her open and took two small children out of her stomach and then beat them to death on the ground. Seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats to vote for conviction. "What we saw in that Senate today was a cowardly group of Republicans who apparently have no options," Pelosi said.The 100-seat U.S. Senate acquitted Trump on a single charge of inciting insurrection in a 57-43 vote that failed to reach the 67-vote threshold necessary for conviction. [42] In 2011, Paul's spokesperson Jesse Benton said Paul had "taken moral responsibility because they appeared under his name and slipped through under his watch. [105][106][107], Ron Paul's presidential campaign managers Jesse Benton, John Tate and Demetri Kesari were all found guilty of paying former Iowa State Senator Kent Sorenson $73,000 to switch his support from Rep. Michele Bachmann to Paul. -- Olga Kavran, Deputy Coordinator, It concluded that 1,800 Bosnian Muslim soldiers died during fighting and a further 100 more died as a result of exhaustion. [14][31] Paul argued for a return to the gold standard maintained by the U.S. from 1873 to 1933, and with Senator Jesse Helms convinced the Congress to study the issue. Approximately 50 wounded captives were taken to the Bratunac hospital. [308] According to Human Rights Watch, the ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party "launched an aggressive campaign to prove that Muslims had committed crimes against thousands of Serbs in the area" which "was intended to diminish the significance of the July 1995 crime. On 12 July, the United Nations Security Council, in Resolution 1004, expressed concern at the humanitarian situation in Potočari, which also condemned the offensive by Bosnian Serb forces and demanded immediate withdrawal. [citation needed], The evening of 15 July saw the first radio contact between the 2nd Corps and the 28th Division, established using a walkie-talkie captured from the VRS. [326], Other problems within Haukland's staff included[326] lack of cooperation between "the Dutch and the Pakistanis", according to Harald Valved (UNPROFOR military advisor). Potočari in particular was a daily target for Serb artillery and infantry because it was a sensitive point in the defence line around Srebrenica. [176] He has sought to repeal the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, also known as the Motor Voter law. [300], On 6 September 2013, the Supreme Court dismissed a Government appeal,[301] a judgment that the Government accepted. ICTY Outreach Programme[245], On 10 June 2010, seven senior Serb military and police officers, Vujadin Popović, Ljubiša Beara, Drago Nikolić, Ljubomir Borovčanin, Vinko Pandurević, Radivoje Miletić and Milan Gvero, were found guilty of various crimes ranging from genocide to murder and deportation. [12], Paul is a proponent of Austrian School economics; he has authored six books on the subject, and displayed pictures of Austrian School economists Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig von Mises (as well as of President Grover Cleveland and Chicago School economist Milton Friedman)[156] on his office wall. Specific instructions from United Nations Headquarters in New York stated that UNPROFOR should not be too zealous in searching for Bosniak weapons and, later, that the Serbs should withdraw their heavy weapons before the Bosniaks gave up their weapons. "Speaking the Self, Narratives on Srebrenica. [33][34] In 1984, Paul became the first chairman of the Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE),[3] a conservative political group founded by Charles and David Koch "to fight for less government, lower taxes, and less regulation." Many of the prisoners had been seen in the locations described by passing convoys taking the women and children to Kladanj by bus, while various aerial photographs have since provided evidence to confirm this version of events. He survived because 30 ARBiH soldiers were needed for an exchange of prisoners following the ARBiH's capture of a VRS officer at Baljkovica. [338][337], Sonja Biserko, president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, and Edina Bečirević, the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies of the University of Sarajevo have pointed to a culture of denial of the Srebrenica genocide in Serbian society, taking many forms and present in particular in political discourse, the media, the law and the educational system. Based on this reasoning, the ensuing mass murder defied military explanation.[323]. Despite claiming freedom of movement rights, the UNHCR team was not allowed to proceed and was forced to head back north to Bijelina. He refused to endorse the Republican Party's nominee for president, John McCain, and lent his support to third-party candidates instead. In May, following orders, Orić and his staff left the enclave by helicopter to Tuzla, leaving senior officers in command of the 28th Division. [23] It cleared Serbia of direct involvement in genocide during the Bosnian war,[261] but ruled that Belgrade did breach international law by failing to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, and for failing to try or transfer the persons accused of genocide to the ICTY, in order to comply with its obligations under Articles I and VI of the Genocide Convention, in particular in respect of General Ratko Mladić. Some 200 to 300 men, including the witness' brother, followed his instructions and descended to meet the VRS, presumably expecting some exchange of prisoners would take place. On May 14, Paul's campaign announced that due to lack of funds (though despite financial backing from financiers Peter Thiel and Mark Spitznagel)[121] he would no longer actively campaign for votes in the 11 remaining primary states, including Texas and California, that had not yet voted. The number of the dead has been questioned as has the nature of their deaths. [271][272], On 20 April 2010, Croatia arrested Franc Kos, a member of the 10th commando detachment of the Army of the Republika Srpska, over genocide charges for the Srebrenica massacre. ", Gibbs, David N. "How the Srebrenica massacre redefined US foreign policy.". Count 6: Murder, a Violation of the Laws or Customs of War. But of course we greatly outnumbered the Muslims, so in almost all cases, we were the hunters and they were the prey. The VRS had a plan to kill the Bosnian Muslim prisoners, as Bosnian Serb war criminal Dragan Obrenović confirmed. In the 2020 Democratic primary, Paul described Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard as "the most intelligent" and "the very, very best" option of the Democratic candidates, primarily for her views on foreign policy, adding that "We probably wouldn't agree with too much on economics. Several individuals were so terrified that they committed suicide by hanging themselves. [citation needed] The column was between 12 and 15 kilometres long, about two and a half hours separating head from tail. [60], On 4 June 1995, UNPROFOR commander Bernard Janvier, a Frenchman, secretly met with Ratko Mladić to obtain the release of hostages, many of whom were French. But was it really so? There were three survivors of the mass murder in the farm sheds at Kravica.[119]. [138][139], In the 2012 presidential campaign, during which he acknowledged it was unlikely that he would win the Republican Party nomination,[140] Paul again asserted that he was participating in the Republican Party on his own terms, trying to persuade the rest of the party to move toward his positions rather than joining in with theirs. Zoran Janković evidence to the Popović et al trial, 27 October 2008, ICTY transcript p 27369, Enver Hadzihasanovic evidence to the Krstic trial, 6 April 2001, ICTY transcript p 9532, Jean-René Ruez evidence to the Blagojevic trial, 19 May 2003 ICTY transcript p 480, Jean-René Ruez evidence to the Blagojevic trial, 19 May 2003 ICTY transcript pp 535–536, Richard Butler evidence to the Krstic trial 19 July 2000 ICTY transcript p 5431, Witness PW-139 evidence to the Popovice et al., 7 November 2006, ICTY transcript p 3690, Esma Palic evidence to the Popovic et al trial, 6 February 2006, ICTY transcript p 6939. "[224], Following the Orange Revolution in 2004, which overthrew Viktor Yanukovych's government in favor of Viktor Yushchenko's government, Ron Paul—through statements in Congress in December 2004 and later his Institute for Peace and Prosperity—was very critical of the National Endowment for Democracy and its National Democratic Institute and International Republican Institute, calling them prominent supporters of the removal of Yanukovich from power. The survivor escaped by running away from the truck and hiding in a forest. Even before the murders in the warehouse, some 200 or 300 men were formed up in ranks near Sandići and then were executed en masse with concentrated machine guns. The gravesite Lazete 2 was partly exhumed by a joint team from the Office of the Prosecutor and Physicians for Human Rights between August and September 1996 and completed in 2000. These men and boys were targeted regardless of whether they chose to flee to Potočari or to join the Bosnian Muslim column. Karadžić and Mladić were charged, separately, with:[259][260]. [108] In court papers filed in August 2014, Sorenson said that he had been paid by both presidential campaigns for his endorsement and pled guilty to criminal charges stemming from the incident. [193], The Srebrenica commission, officially titled the Commission for Investigation of the Events in and around Srebrenica between 10 and 19 July 1995, was established in December 2003, and submitted its final report[194] on 4 June 2004, and then an addendum[195] on 15 October 2004 after delayed information was supplied. Between April 1992 and March 1993, the town of Srebrenica and the villages in the area held by Bosniak were constantly subjected to Serb military assaults, including artillery attacks, sniper fire, as well as occasional bombing from aircraft. Some begged for water but their pleas were ignored. [citation needed], At this point, the column's leaders decided to form several small groups of between 100 and 200 persons and send these to reconnoiter the way ahead. "[205] Speaking about the channel, Paul said, "I was at a debate one time a couple years ago, where I didn't think I got a fair shake. Hundreds appear to have been killed as they fled the open area and some were said to have killed themselves to escape capture. [72] Stories about rapes and killings spread through the crowd and the terror in the camp escalated. [152][153], Meanwhile, the VRS had commenced the process of clearing the bodies from around Srebrenica, Žepa, Kamenica and Snagovo. [179], Citing the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, Paul advocates states' rights to decide how to regulate social matters not cited directly by the Constitution. The soldiers then ordered the two remaining captives to take the four dead bodies into a nearby barn, where they were also killed upon completing this task. [207] As of April 2019, the Ron Paul Liberty Report channel has received more than 17 million views on YouTube. At the school, a soldier on a field telephone appeared to be transmitting and receiving orders. VRS Army and Ministry of Interior personnel persuaded members of the column to surrender by promising them protection and safe transportation towards Tuzla under UNPROFOR and Red Cross supervision. In severe mental distress, some of the refugees killed themselves. The local people became quite indignant, so sometimes we would keep someone alive to hand over to them [to kill] just to keep them happy. ", "Opportunities for Peace and Nonintervention", "Ron Paul Responds to President Obama's Middle East Speech", "Shut Down the TSA! Many had their hands tied behind their backs. In response to the suggestion that the Bosniak forces in Srebrenica made no adequate attempt to defend the town, the Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to General Assembly resolution 53/35—The Fall of Srebrenica,[57] delivered to the 54th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 15 November 1999 states: 476. And the other side has at times not followed the rules. [165] [156] Once Žepa had succumbed to the Serb pressure, they had to move on once more, either trying to reach Tuzla or crossing the River Drina into Serbia.[157]. In the days following its showing, the Serbian government arrested some of the former soldiers identified on the video. Sept 1915 Moved to Aldershot and joined the 110th Brigade of the 40th Division. [295] On 10 July 2008, the court ruled that it had no jurisdiction against the UN, plaintiffs have appealed the judgement in relation to UN immunity. [62], Paul was honorary chairman of, and is a member of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a political action committee that describes its goal as electing "liberty-minded, limited-government individuals". In the 2008 Republican primary,[54] he defeated Friendswood city councilman Chris Peden,[55] with over 70 percent of the vote[56] and ran unopposed in the general election. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act, and H.R. [56]:24 General Sefer Halilović admitted that ARBiH helicopters had flown in violation of the no-fly zone and that he had personally dispatched eight helicopters with ammunition for the 28th Division.[56]:24. [216][217], In December 2006, the Dutch government awarded the Dutch UN peacekeepers who served in Srebrenica an insignia because they believed they "deserved recognition for their behaviour in difficult circumstances", also noting the limited mandate and the ill-equipped nature of the mission. [167] They were members of the Greek Volunteer Guard (ΕΕΦ), or GVG, a contingent of Greek paramilitaries formed at the request of Ratko Mladić as an integral part of the Drina Corps. [108], Captured heavy arms including two Praga self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were fired at the Serb front line and the column finally succeeded in breaking through to Bosnian government controlled territory and linking up with BiH units at between 1 pm and 2 pm on 16 July. There were only two obstetricians in the county, and the other one was his partner. [266], On 10 April 2007, a Serbian war crimes court sentenced four members of a paramilitary group known as the Scorpions to a total of 58 years in prison for the execution of six Bosniaks during the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995. Right now, the program has changed to The Ron Paul Liberty Report, and that is what we do, we report on liberty in context of what is going on in daily activity and what is going on in the news." Carl Edward Sagan (/ ˈ s eɪ ɡ ən /; November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, poet, and science communicator.His best known scientific contribution is research on extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals … [208] The resolution states that: ...the policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing as implemented by Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995 with the direct support of Serbian regime of Slobodan Milošević and its followers ultimately led to the displacement of more than 2,000,000 people, an estimated 200,000 killed, tens of thousands raped or otherwise tortured and abused, and the innocent civilians of Sarajevo and other urban centres repeatedly subjected to shelling and sniper attacks; meet the terms defining the crime of genocide in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, created in Paris on 9 December 1948, and entered into force on 12 January 1951. This is what I was thinking as I was getting out of the truck. Raised a Lutheran, Paul later became a Baptist. 11.6.-1-414/95 (2nd Corps no.) Between April 1992 and March 1993, the Naser Orić trial judgement described the situation in Srebrenica as follows:[37]:47. 2121 in 2009). [47], In the 1988 presidential election, Paul was on the ballot in 46 states,[48] scoring third in the popular vote with 432,179 votes (0.5%). [24][25], In 2013, 2014, and again in 2019, the Dutch state was found liable in the Dutch supreme court and in the Hague district court of failing to do enough to prevent more than 300 of the deaths. In fact, those The afternoon of 13 July 1995: executions in the Cerska valley", 14 – 16 July 1995: Pilica School Detention Site and Branjevo Military Farm Execution Site, http://www.icty.org/x/cases/popovic/trans/en/061107ED.htm, "Srebrenica Investigation: Summary of Forensic Evidence – Execution Points and Mass Graves", "Initial Indictment against Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic", Smaller Scale Executions following the Mass Executions, "The Officer Who First Took Charge of the Zvornik Seven", Medienhilfe Ex-Jugoslawien – Monitoring Report – Media trial of the Zvornik Seven, "Office of the High Representative Press Release – Zvornik 7 Verdict", AFP; "Greek Volunteers Fought Alongside Bosnian Serbs." In obstetrics and gynecology bombers attempted to attack the Serb forces advanced on the way to the Bratunac were! Were given orders to shoot. `` [ 185 ] Paul received 26,204 write-in votes, or women. Village 's 353 inhabitants were `` cleansing '' the houses in the generation... 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