Assess severity of 4 key signs in each body region. for … see and describe the primary lesion) (scale, lichenification, keloid, excoriation, fissure, erosion, ulcer, atrophy, crust, hyperkeratosis) Telangiectasia: dilated superficial capillary/venule; may be linear, spiderlike, or matlike. The total EASI score ranges from 0 (minimum) to 72 (maximum) points, with the higher scores reflecting the worse severity of AD. Excoriation is a loss of skin due to scratching or picking : Lesion Selectors > The severity of erythema, induration/papulation, excoriation, and lichenification were assessed on a scale of 0 (absent) to 3 (severe) for each of the 4 body areas: head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, and lower limbs, with half points allowed. of . 6 The diagnosis is typically based on a clinical exam, the presence of pruritus and personal or family history of atopy, allergic rhinitis or asthma. Chronic forms exhibit scaling, excoriations and lichenification. EASI is a composite score ranging from 0 to 72. (rosacea, BCC) Tumor: A large solid lesion (> about 2 cm), with deeper dermal or subcutaneous thickness (a large Higher scores indicate worse outcome. Erythema (redness) Oedema / papulation (swelling and bumpiness) Excoriation (scratch marks) Lichenification (“leatheriness”) Score the . The Atopic Dermatitis Severity Index (ADSI) comprises an assessment of erythema, pruritus, exudation, excoriation, and lichenification, each on a scale of 0 to 3 to give a maximum score of 15. Excoriation (scratching) Lichenification. Lichen simplex, sometimes called neurodermatitis, presents as a localised demarcated plaque, usually with scaling, excoriations and lichenification (increased skin markings and thickened skin) on the surface.The lesion is particularly itchy. Medical definition of lichenification: the process by which skin becomes hardened and leathery or lichenoid usually as a result of chronic irritation; also : a patch of skin so modified. The EASI score was used to measure the severity and extent of AD and measured erythema, infiltration, excoriation and lichenification on 4 anatomic regions of the body: head, trunk, upper and lower extremities. Appearance. The severity of the following signs: erythema, induration/papulation, lichenification, oozing/crusting, and scaling was assessed on a 4-point scale ranging from 0 (absent) to 3 (severe) and TSS (maximum score 15) was calculated based on these signs. -excoriation -lichenification -maceration -fissure -erosion -ulcer Distinct Lesions -wheal/hive -burrow -comedone -atrophy -keloid -fibrosis -petechiae -telangiectasis -milium: Excoriation. Lichenification — caused by chronic rubbing, which results in palpably thickened skin with increased skin markings and lichenoid scale. A twice daily application of a new natural emollient provided a major corticosteroid sparing, improved lichenification and excoriation and improved the quality of life in children and their parents. The studied cream had a significant impact on lichenification, excoriation and quality of life. degree of severity . It may be linear or punctate. Common sites are the calf, elbow, shin, behind the neck, and genitalia (vulva or scrotum) [1, 2]. ... Excoriation — a loss of the epidermis and a portion of the dermis due to scratching or an exogenous injury. each sign. Lesions are most commonly located at skin flexures.