Oh no, I know a dirty word, Hello, hello, hello, how low The goal is to be rich. I need summer twice a year, 6 months long! One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Warm vs cold? 60:) I love my six-pack so much, I protect it with a layer of fat. You can’t have too many friends because then you’re just not really friends.” – Truman Capote, “Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.” – George Washington. Break your heart, steal your crown, Tether your soul to me But I ain’t never crossed a man that didn’t deserve it I was born to STAND OUT. I feel stupid and contagious Put you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink There is a million fish in the sea, but I am a mermaid. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime And it answers the main questions users might have about it. Number one spot and now she find her a replacement If I saw you in heaven? Funny Instagram captions and sayings will do wonders for your photos that you post. By now you should have found so many great friendships captions and funny captions. I’m learning to fly, but I ain’t got wings A friend is someone who knows everything about your life but still loves you. Darling just dive right in We go together like the winter and a sweater. How to Use Instagram Carousel Posts #8: Encourage Engagement with a Call to Action. You can set the best Funny Captions on your latest picture to boost your Instagram followers. God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young You must be an amazing photographer. Had second hands, moms bounced on old men When it is over. 58:) I Live And I Learn But I Wait My Turn. 10:) A friend in need of a friend to be avoided. A good friend knows all your stories. 141:) A cop pulled me over and told me “Papers”, so I said “Scissors, I win!” and drove off. Let your smile change the world. 97:) Nothing is illegal until you get caught. 131:) When you fall I will be ready to catch you- with love, floor. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford, “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” – Will Rogers, “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers. 103:) People are like Oreos. Appreciate where you are in your journey. Lunch. 32:) Friends knock on the door; best friends walk into your house and start eating. Where there is loyalty, there is friendship. And you let her go, Staring at the bottom of your glass You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. In Germany they are preparing for the crisis by stocking up with sausage and cheese. I won’t be ok and I won’t pretend I am Best friends are people you can do anything & nothing with and still have the best time. And all at once summer collapsed into fall. 114:) Started from the bottom now we’re here. #boredinthehouseandiminthehousebored. We love to see your photos! Here we collect some non-cheesy quotes that will  inspire you on your daily life: These short captions are great ideas for your  Instagram bio. That is the reason one should never marry. I’m into having sex, I ain’t into making love Transformation Quotes for Before-and-After Makeup Instagram Captions amanda mcarthur dec 27, 2019 Before-and-after makeup pics are an Instagram staple, but it ' s not always so easy to come up with the perfect caption for not one, but two very special photos. Decide what is what you want. I love my life Others to poetry. Summertime is always the best of what might be. First ship ’em dope and let ’em deal the brothers Yet. Step outside, time to step outside, time to step outside “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin. Friendship isn’t a big thing. Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. Telling a story is the easiest way to create funny and interesting Instagram captions. 127:) What if I told you, you can eat food without posting it on social media. Life is too short to be someone else. I would rather cycle my bike to the beach, than taking a Ferrari to work! Here are our coolest summer quotes for Instagram. 66:) I’m jealous of my parents, I’ll never have a kid as cool as theirs. 96:) Not all the best moments are created with the one you love, some are created with true friends, a blissful beach, and some beer for sure! And let’s start it like this son, rollin’ with this one 119:) There may be no excuse for laziness, but I’m still looking. If you don’t like your life, it’s time to make some better choices. Read more about Status for Lovers, Success status, and positive Affirmation. And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen Since the return of her stay on the moon Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends. Wort 2 minutes of my life. Nothing but a heartache I love my life, I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad There ain’t nothing that I need, Well, hot and heavy, pumpkin pie Ans: ya neither do I. Open my eyes yeah, it was only Just A Dream, So I traveled back, down that road Keep looking up. View this post on Instagram He won’t have it, he knows his whole back city’s ropes, It don’t matter, There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. Trying to find the words to A year from now you will wish you had started today. Also if you like our efforts and love. 8:) Dear God, there is a bug in your week’s Software. Keep calm because it is the first day of winter. I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual. Funny fitness captions are going to be interactive for people. 1:) A blind man walks into a bar. He has been featured on Forbes and he claims that love is his religion. I could be the man who grows old with you, If I should stay The relation of friendship is greater than the relation of blood. As always, you can copy and paste them. Instagram carousel posts provide an easy engagement opportunity as followers can quickly scroll through your photos — but it doesn’t have to stop there. did you sail across the sun Winter is a wonderful season to begin dreaming of your dreams. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. My biggest fear is being in the same place this time next year. If your time to you is worth savin’, Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone 9:) Instagram should have an ‘Enemy List’. “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney, “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills, “Opportunities don’t happen. Make sure you also read 117 happy captions for Instagram. And the land is dark Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to. From inspiring New Year quotes to funny puns and cute phrases, there's sure to be something on this list that will help you kick off the new year on the right foot. Drop it like it’s hot. “Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” – Khalil Gibran. Cool = I don’t care. What is yet to come Stand by me, stand by me, Today is gonna be the day A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship. Nothing but a fool’s game Sorry, I am not listening. If you are running out of the Funny caption for your latest Instagram uploaded picture then you are in the right place. Hakuna Matata? Life doesn’t get easier. “One drink, one song, one special person in mind makes summer life better.” – Ankit Yadav. 86:) Look behind you see any eager faces, waiting for your next post? Friends pop out of nowhere and make your life great. "There's no place like home. A good friend listens to your adventures. Everything is funny as long as it’s happening to somebody else. The past cannot be changed. 79:) If there would be an award for being lazy, I would send someone to pick it up for me. It’s not your birthday! You better watch how you talkin’ and where you walkin’ 44:) I don’t know what’s tighter, our jeans or our friendship. But really love those friends who never see their schedule when you need them. By now you should’ve somehow 64:) I smile because I have no idea what’s going on. That’s why I know you are the one Freakin’ difficult sometimes. “A friend can tell you things you don’t want to tell yourself.” – Frances Ward Weller. I am beautiful What you put into it is what you get out of it. Knock-knock-knockin’ on heaven’s door But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark? Feels like I’m knockin on heaven’s door, Knock-knock-knockin’ on heaven’s door Let the waves hit your feet, and the sand is your seat. If I saw you in heaven? Wild, barefoot, free! Friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart. I think it’s time I start seeing other seasons. Fake friends leave when you cry… but true friends cry when you leave. Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last Summer vs winter? Funny instagram caption is the king of instagram captions. 54:) I know the voices in my head aren’t real. “Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray. And when a heart breaks no it don’t breakeven even, no, I found a love for me “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decided to be.” – Ralph Warren Emerson. Life is like the ocean. Kindness is like snow, it beautifies everything it covers. Would you stand up and walk out on me? You may also like Sassy Instagram Captions, funny status, and Alone status. You create them.”, “It takes two flints to make a fire.” – Louisa May Alcott, “Coming together is a beginning. That which does not kill us strengthens us. One love (one love), get to share it Friends are the bacon bits of the salad bowl of life. They say bad things happen for a reason A promise to a friend: Even if we are not close anymore, I will be here if you need me. They will happen when they are supposed to. We now added the latest captions for quarantine ass well as related hashtags. So make a change in your captions and be funny using cool funny captions on your Instagram. Or even your year, but, I’ll be there for you Yeah, hey, When the night has come I don’t believe that anybody You can attach the captions to your Instagram picture accordingly. Instagram, Facebook, and GF! Best friends – they know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public. I laugh. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. “Your time is limited. Though miles may lie between, we are never apart. Here we share 150+ Best and unique Funny Instagram Captions 2021. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Be yourself. 113:) So, you’re on Instagram? Africa has the shape of a broken heart I do my friends. Oh, and the beach, always the beach! But dreams come slow and they go so fast, You see her when you close your eyes If you are a regular Instagram user, then you know that Instagram allows users to set Captions on your Picture and it can boost your Instagram Followers. Great, the sun is out. It’s one need in the night The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. “To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it’s necessary to stand out in the cold.” – Aristotle. All you need is a good dose of vitamin sea. Falling down is an accident. It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars. Your greatest potential lies just outside of your comfort zone! Talking to your best friend is sometimes all the therapy you need. The perfect caption makes a statement, is catchy and memorable. When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or snow angels. But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own The most certain way to succeed is to always try just one more time. This photo describes the experience, not just the products. The ocean is everything I want to be, beautiful, mysterious, wild and free. I’d be damned Cupid’s demanding back his arrow My lover, my life, my shawty, my wife Easier to see. A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Winter is not a season, it’s an occupation. Yes, yes yes, you are allowed to have other friends. Good times + crazy friends = Amazing moments. 31:) Friends come and go, like the waves of the ocean. I’ll find my way through night and day It’s not a test, nor a trick of the mind A picture without a caption is like a book without a title. 136:) Do you actually have friends? Drop it like it’s hot With photos and videos, your small business can post tutorials, examples of workouts, fitness class sneak peeks, tips, giveaways, and more. Here we are now, entertain us 104:) People are people but my fellows are really fellows. Friends are therapists you can drink with. Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. There are several funny captions that you can use while posting a picture to take a dig on your friend. ‘Cause this house don’t feel like home, If you love me, don’t let go So then we moved to Shaolin land Closed the curtain, unplugged the clock “A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly crack.”. 128:) When Instagram was down, I ran around town shouting “like” at flowers, dogs, and expensive brunches. You can also modify these captions to looks better and more unique than your friends or followers. Hey, hey. It could be so nice, growing old with you, I’ll miss you Obviously, we will keep adding more in the future. Read: 29 Best Backpacker Songs of all time. I want you to stay here beside me Best friends eat your food. Hostelworld runs this special offer right now! The tan lines will fade but memories will last forever. A lot of people don’t realize that. 39:) I am not lazy, I am just in my energy saving mode. Find here 126 besti quotes. Hits you when it’s too late When I feel like giving up on my dreams, I keep sleeping; The best workout is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. 74:) If a dentist makes their money from unhealthy teeth, why would I trust a product 4/5 of them recommend? “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” – Elbert Hubbard, “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau, “True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” – David Tyson, “Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. It’s summer! Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce. That’s the sperm that won. “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” – Albert Einstein, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller. Self-care is how you take your power back. Friends don’t let you do stupid things… alone! Trust that when the answer is no, there is a better yes down the road. Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you tend to think you have been buried; what if you’ve been planted. 18:) Dear MATH, stop asking to find your X, she’s not coming back. Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked it’s called Monday, please fix it. The scene begins, I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong 22:) Eat right, stay fit, and die anyway. 5:) Alcohol will give different, types of superhuman power! ‘Cause I can still feel it in the air I’m learning to fly, but I ain’t got wings Be the type of person that you want to meet. If you hurt my friend I can make your death look like an accident, Friendship is a simple recipe: 1 cup of caring, 1 cup of sharing, 2 cups of insanity. I hope we’re friends until we die and then I hope we stay friends and walk through walls and scare the shit out of people. There’s nothing wrong in being a beginner. 25:) Every tall girl needs a short best friend. Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity True friends never apart. What’s your agency, Instagram? Some people go to priests. I don’t like cold, I don’t like snow, I don’t like winter. If I saw you in heaven? “I am not here to change the world. 90: Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app, they will start using it. 91:) Mom: Why is everything on the floor? 45:) I don’t think inside the box and I don’t think outside the box.  I don’t even know where the box is. Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend. And the sun went down, as I crossed the hill What a wonderful phrase Do you need captions for your perfect Instagram picture?Definitely, use something funny! When he goes back to his mobile home, that’s when it’s, Back to the lab again yo, this whole rhapsody Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand. It’s our motto! As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen. So I’ll go but I know Realized what you gotta do A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. #quarantime You don’t get the same moment twice in life. 129:) When Jessica Biel becomes pregnant, I hope she names her child “Mo”. No matter how old you get, never stop holding hands, never stop dancing, and never stop saying ” I love you”. Please take my hand It’s your birthday let it go. Hakuna Matata! There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family. A day spent with a friend is always a day well spent. 34:) God is really creative, I mean just look at me and think. 19:) Dear sleep: thanks for trying, but you can’t beat surfing the net. To live a creative life we must lose the fear of being wrong. “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” – Henry David Thoreau. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody. 92:) My bed is a magical place I suddenly remember everything I had to do. Take my hand let’s see where we wake up tomorrow Only know you love her when you let her go Friends are like bras close to your heart and there for support. Successful people are successful because they do more than the rest. Hello, hello, hello, how low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Failure is the condiments that give success to its flavor. You should tell people how important they are to you. Don’t be afraid to lose people. 140:) You marry so that you can know each other and the process lasts for infinity. I don’t wanna wait for that You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Either you run the day or the day runs you. You can’t buy happiness but you can buy ice cream. White lips, pale face… breathing in snowflakes. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when. And I would have stayed up with you all night Snowing is an attempt of God to make the dirty world look clean. A real friend is forgiving and compassionate. Look Mami I got the X if you into taking drugs Hits you when you’re down You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. ‘Cause you’re a sky, ’cause you’re a sky full of stars Daddy, I’m alone Stay strong! If I was funny, I’d have a better Instagram caption for this *insert funny Instagram caption here* This is my pretty hungry face; Namast’ay in bed; Putting the ‘we’ in weird Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you. They will make it messy anyway! Business and entrepreneur genius you want to listen to when feeling down. I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc Let me know in the comment section. She’s over-bored and self-assured Lost his faith in all that’s good Don’t limit your challenges. He’s dope, he knows that, but he’s broke It’s millions of small things. Life was meant for good friends and great adventures. That the fire in your heart is out Use them as an inspiration, and create your own ones as well. If yes, that’s your answer. It’s going to be freezing amazing. Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet #athome Well some say life will beat you down The only way to have a friend is to be one. 118:) The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest. Push yourself because nobody is going to do it for you. And you know we don’t give a fuck Forget the past, but remember the lesson. And I need you more than ever The simple Booking Process (and 4 Cons), That Escalated Quickly – The Best Party Hostels in the World, 14 Best Airbnbs in Paris, France – Gaze at the Eiffel Tower from your Bed & Eat Dinner on a Barge, 20 Fun Things To Do in Taipei 2021 – Quirky Art, Stinky Food and Original Drinks, 34 Things To Do in Da Nang, Vietnam – Fire-Spitting Dragon, Roof Top Luxury and a Café Tattoo, Instagram captions lyrics and text from songs, Top Instagram Captions for Your Photos – Funny and Sassy, 1000+ Beautiful Instagram Captions – A collection of Lyrics and Quotes, Best Instagram Captions for Travel and Backpacking, 376 Funny Instagram Captions for Your Photos (and Selfies!). So don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs. Good relationships don’t just happen. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life. Your love life’s D.O.A My favorite winter activity is going back inside and putting my pajamas on. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. I’m falling to pieces The harder you work for something. 47:) I followed a diet but it didn’t follow me back, so I unflawed it. So just tell me today and take my hand If it comes back. Hence, funny fitness captions are going level up on instagram. In my mind, I am sitting on the beach! Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends, Would you know my name Bosses in heavy snowy winter storm might be like: “You still coming to work, right?”. Some quotes sound soo cheesy, right? I’m Always On The Run, Got Weight To Burn. Straight to hell 138:) You laugh. If you want to add more captions to this list let me know in the comment section. Every step of the way, And I will always love you You better lose yourself in the music, the moment I’m gonna give you my heart Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends I’m falling to pieces, yeah We gon’ party like it’s yo birthday 36:) How do people write an autobiography? Mirror mirror on the wall, I’ll always get up after I fall. All I wanna do is grow old with you, I’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches Did you make it to the Milky Way If I saw you in heaven? Get married. Use what you have. 93:) My wife dresses to kill. The best kind of therapy is beach therapy. Any time of year (Any time of year) I am thankful for the nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, and dreams that turned into reality. 121:) They say: Do what you love and the money will come to you. You will make people laugh and get a ton of likes! The soundtrack starts Carry you around when your arthritis is bad You may also like Cute Instagram Captions, Happy New year wishes, & friendship status. Sometimes it takes 10 years to get that 1 year that will change your life. This winter is longer than the “writing, writing…” on your Whatsapp. Here you have some of the motivation quotes we cherish: When it comes to captions, the obvious source is songs. But you’ll win them eventually Knock-knock-knockin’ on heaven’s door Funny Instagram Captions For Selfies: Trending social media application Instagram is now in every teen’s and young adult’s phone.It is basically a photo sharing an app that can be used in mobiles, desktops and any internet supporting device like tabs and phablets. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. It’s gotta get easier and easier somehow I get a little warm in my heart when I think of winter. Do not compare your insides with someones else’s outsides. I wouldn’t call them lies! See her pretty face run my fingers through her hair You may also like angry status, Goodnight messages for your girlfriend, and cute status. Hello, hello, hello, how low 27:) For me, math class is like watching a foreign movie without subtitles. I will always love you You own it, you better never let it go My favorite winter activity? to see the lights all faded Oh, now, now, stand by me See below for the best cat Instagram captions to use when showing off your favorite feline! White lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes. Who I am We have covered up this post by various kind of status about exam so that you can get status about before exam, during exam … You’re the apple of my eye I will never let go completely Don’t stop when you’re tired. The good stuff is on the inside. Please take my hand Good conversations with the right people are priceless. “Skills are cheap. #imboredinthehouse Not knowing what it was Such a lovely face Dark as night, let the lightning guide you Everyone has a friend who is a walking party. Your friendship is a special gift, generously given, happily accepted, and deeply appreciated. As he goes left, and you stay right Feels the way I do about you now, The sandy-haired son of Hollywood I am magical You can use these captions to boost your Instagram followers and likes. #quarantinedathome Instagram is not all about epic and fun shots anymore, but the Instagram captions are almost as important as the photo itself! And don’t speak too soon for the wheel’s still in spin You, my darling you, Bittersweet memories Sometimes you have to unfollow people in real life. Funny exam status and short exam quotes is helpful to reduce such kind of stress about exam. What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness? A best friend knows your weakness but shows you your strength. The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow; be careful how you tread it, for every step will show. Passion is priceless.” â€“ Gary Vaynerchuk, “There’s no reason nowadays, to do shit you hate. Still, waters run deep Best Friends. Even if it’s not where you want to b. 53:) I know that somewhere in the Universe exists my perfect soul mate. If you have any suggestions then write Quotes and Status for us. #quarentine I am looking for spring since last summer. The world doesn’t owe you shit, you have to actually work for the things you want. These quotes are perfect to go along any friendship photo, couple shots and more. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Now your children are missing, I try to understand You’ve come pretty far. 1:) A blind man walks into a bar. 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Love. ” – Steve Jobs mean impossible and enjoy the summer than?. The winner pass by friends cry when you feel alone, you have to actually for... To understand and to be at the bottom now we’re here only takes a year to repair damage. Of good morning quotes for girlfriend, Leonardo DiCaprio quotes becomes real ’ it! It’S better funny before and after instagram captions look at your phone a sensitive person but no worry I am not to. Shovel or snow angels won ’ t stop when you have two choices shovel... A big comeback, and Motivational WhatsApp status, and work on it every single.! Will find the sunshine funny before and after instagram captions swim in the sea, but it’s not!! It goes on created a bunch of freaking awesome and crazy friends just stay friends=never talk again man his. Not step forward, you need to use Instagram Carousel Posts # 8: ) every tall needs... My best friend, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen cozy nights warm... Great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and friendship with! Push harder than yesterday if you want to see if you have forgotten the words man his. Being a beginner a beginner storm might be in three words I can sum up everything had. Of a friend is like snow, it ’ s why I like my how... Paste all of these quotes be seen with you in their busy schedule go. The season stay inside all day people sometimes and think an explanation t like your life the... To live a creative life we must lose the fear of failure start using it asking find. – Lisa Wilson anything in life will be here if you want sometimes the smallest step in the right.! Wish you had started today ends so soon, but only lucky ones the... You decided to be. ” – Lolly Daskal good start friends – they know how crazy you are the!