This book brings “future consciousness,” our most distinctive and empowering psychological capacity, to center stage and connects this capacity and our personal lives with the evolutionary vision of nature and the cosmos. Download the .mobi file from Amazon and send that one if the reviewer … You will never be short on ARCs again, we promise! Feel free to display the cover of the book in your review. Book Review Services. Library Journal: new academic titles or ones for mainstream general libraries for US readers - adult. We’ve put together a quick guide to help you below. We do not put up the whole review, as it loses impact. If you’re submitting print copies, once you’ve completed your review submission form, you’ll receive instructions on where to send your book, along with a confirmation code. We follow up regularly with reviewers who have been sent several hard copies. If a printed copy is wanted, we have to wait until the book is in stock. There are two options for adding an activity to the contact; you can use “Marketing History” on the right-hand menu to the contact. We do not have a limit on digital review copies, PDF or EPUB (please note that the EPUB will not be available until a few weeks before publication date; you will find it in the ebook section of your Production page, see below). This particularly reviewer did request a review copy, and still didn’t give his/her name. This article posted back in 2011 has some good points: Cover is always embedded into the email, and include the basic metadata. We review Spanish-language books, but we do not offer reviews of books in other languages at this time. It can take the warehouse a week to deal with them, more in the period before Christmas, and then, depending on where they’re being sent to, which country is handling it, there’s a variable postage time. Round off your review with advice for the reader or author and a snappy soundbite summing up why you liked the book. JavaScript is currently disabled, this site works much better if you It is supported on social media feeds. If you see that your title has been reviewed before we do, please update the Marketing Activity-Review Copy from Sent to Completed, and share with your networks and add to your Book details page in Reviews. Get book reviews on Amazon and Goodreads around your book launch. A place to help authors and reviewers come together to get the word out about new books as well as a group for anyone to post or enter listings for book & e-read giveaways. Some reviewers will not review from a PDF, which can only be read on a computer. The review copies go out before publication, so reviews generally come too late for use before publication. Do let us know in the Closed Author Group how you get on, and enter it as an "Activity." Most review not only on their site, but also on Amazon, Goodreads or at NetGalley. My author will not be listed on your directory as he is just starting out in crime fiction. But this current copy is free and without obligation. ISBN: 978-1-78535-607-0 (Paperback) £12.99 $20.95, EISBN: 978-1-78535-608-7 (e-book) £4.99 $7.99. Most publishers will have a way to contact them for review copies on their website. Look for the respective book in your reviewer list and click the Upload button 3. Say what you liked, which chapter, character, setting, argument, style or literary device. 2. Help for community features. If you’re a book blogger, adding some audiobooks to your TBR can be a great way to increase your reading time and get more content for your blog. I hope you are finding some much needed 'catch' up time. Pay someone to leave a review. (I’m going through your video course about AMS ads right now, and it has been super-helpful so far!)'ll find more products in the shopping cart. If you are an editor, book reviewer or journalist and would like to review one or more of our books, we are happy to support you. This section just covers print reviews, in magazines/newspapers/journals. More limited-circulation media whose readers are interested in your particular subject offer by far the best chance of reviews., Chapter 9:Marketing - Being Your Own Publicist, Editorial and Production/Printing Queries, Do not expect reviews in national or general trade media unless you have already published, are well known, and have had such reviews before. Then we send the requests out in batches to the warehouse. Here I highlight the author's credentials and supplied links to his online profiles. It is free to be involved in the community, as a reviewer, but costs to submit titles for review (on an individual basis, roughly $400 for six months): Grow your ARC team. You can find everything you need to know about posting reviews on Amazon right here under the Community Guidelines.. Amazon has tightened the ropes on reviews and as an author, you have to be aware of the tactics that are prohibited.. A unique and empowering evolutionary vision of wisdom and the human mind, to guide us in creating a positive future. From the homepage widget, you can click on the cover image to see details about this title and take actions such as requesting , downloading , adding to your Shelves , adding a Review , Tags , Notes , etc. We provide solicited review copies in … It is a waste of time sending to the. In “Notes” add “HC” please. First you need to know if the contact you are sending to exists on our database. If someone is going to pirate your title there are easier ways of doing it. Same as if you don't bother to mention the book at all. Would you be interested in reviewing this book? Most review copies end up for sale as used books on eBay, Amazon and others. At that point you should see “Summary” and “Details.” Click the latter. Online customer reviews in places like Amazon, Readers tend not to buy books without good reviews. The number of print books we send out, and PDFs can go out once finished files and the PDF Review File are ready and the title has a publication date. Another opening, where the name of the blogger could not be found. Springer is part of. Here is what not to do when it comes to getting book reviews on Amazon:. We cannot send out a press release or similar with the printed copy. We realize the offices of national press, TV stations etc. First-time fiction author in a very specific genre. That is the same for virtually all publishers. Rupert is a retired attorney who studied languages at university, and spent a 30-year career intimately involved with the South African mining industry. I'm not self-published, but my book … If you are starting this from scratch, then your task is a hard one. Bad reviews: Inevitably, it happens. These reviews feed through to the book page on the website. It is quite safe to send out PDFs for review, as far as possible piracy goes. Printed copies go out from one of the distributor's warehouses, depending on which country the request is from, and there is no facility for requesting that a particular bit of paper gets inserted into the package. Go to Online Book Review Copies and click on SHOW ALL to access your personal book reviewer page. An example from an established writer/professional in a Non-Fiction genre. ; Midwest Book Review welcomes self-published books, and their website is a wealth of information on reviews. Reply. Did it change how you think or feel about anything? How do our unique conscious minds reflect and amplify nature’s vast evolutionary process? In the second example, I knew the blogger was keen to review books from independent publishers. There's an interesting article on Amazon reviews at, Book Bloggers have proliferated the internet, and some have got themselves quite a following and reputation for reviewing. Never miss a story, sign up to our newsletter: The Title - How To Pick A Title For Your Book, Extra Services: Targeted Publicity Campaigns, Events and Signings (Including Virtual Events), John Hunt Publishing Blogs, Podcast and Social Media, A talk on alternative and self-publishing, The number of print books we send out, and digital When the killer learns that his actions are about to be exposed, Stephen realises that his own life is now in danger... KEYWORDS: South Africa, Crime, Corruption, Mining, Mystery & Detective. If you see that your title has been submitted for review in a particular trade journal, please follow the guidelines on the Contact page for the journal to follow its progress. Please note that hard copies for review aren't generally available until 4 to 6 weeks prior to publication. This author has no online offering and no endorsements. One of the best new references to find reviewers online is the list put together by indie author Christy Pinheiro of Step-by-Step Self-Publishing. In the image above, this widget will show you all “Fantasy” Digital Review Copies (DRC’s) by using Saved Filter . Request a Review Copy We are always interested in hearing from those wishing to write reviews of our books for publication. He is mangled beyond recognition. My library A PDF is available immediately and reduces our carbon footprint, but hard copies are also available on request. Many are genre specific; this is particularly so in fiction, which covers so many genres. Online reviews are covered in Chapter 12, as in Amazon. We do not send them "blind," as a rule. You can use the image from the imprint website. He has also been awarded Fellow of The World Futures Studies Federation for his significant and original contribution to futures studies. It does depend on genre and on the individual author and their standing in their market. Thanks again for the informative work you do. The best time to ask is either right before a book is first released or right after. If you have any specific requests for early printed review copies, post on the Forum in. Pay attention to how current the blog is, and the kind of followers they have. Would you or xxxx consider reviewing this Crime Thriller title publishing in November 2017. Where practical we follow up reviews, and whenever we find out that a review has been published online or in print, we record this on your Marketing page in “Marketing Activities” as “Review Copy/Completed.” If you see one please do likewise. We value the time that reviewers and journalists spend writing about our books. You are instructed to click on the circles below the shown review to see more reviews. Kiko Suarez, Lumina Foundation. Advance copies of your book are sent to the press, your launch team, and influencers who can help you get the word out about your upcoming launch. Add the review, with short description and buy link if necessary, to any online site you control such as: Amazon Author Central (see. Plan to send out 50 to 500 review copies of your book in … There's more on what we do here, and what you can do, in Chapter 15 on. Gain exposure with influencers through blogs, social media, etc. Kirkus Reviews: new adult hardcover or original trade-paperback fiction, general-audience nonfiction and children's and young adult books suited to US readers. enable JavaScript in your browser. We haven’t put a limit on review copies in the past, but with "professional" reviews becoming less important than reader reviews and feedback, online reviews now more important than print, we have had to cap the number of print copies being sent out for review at 15. You can download the PDF of your book from the Publicty section on the Marketing page, You can download your ebook from the Workflow section on the Production Page. Early on I tell them I am seeking reviews. BookLife Reviews accepts digital review copies only. Keep it short and simple, basic information about the book, and the contact here you can mention for potential reviewers is. The Bookseller: all new titles are submitted for featuring in the Preview sections of this UK trade magazine. One or two reviews are unlikely to make any difference to sales, but cumulatively they can add up, increasing your profile. See. Reviews are the lifeblood of publicity. So, go to Contacts on the top menu. As they already have a PDF of their book, they see it as an easy way to distribute free copies of their book (and may even have this file as … Yeah, many of the reviews I posted were for advance reader copies authors gave me to review, but many were verified Kindle purchases. Sending out review copies for potential review is something every author should include in their marketing plans. Remember that though a review obtained by sending a printed copy might not result in a single extra sale, it will probably result in one less. "Completed" is ticked by whoever sees the review published, and this is linked to an automatic notification which will inform you, see the section marked ", There is not an option on the website to put up something like "I have not sent an email to this contact but I would like you to send a review copy." We can then use it on the book or in the marketing material. This book provides a scientifically informed, psychologically holistic approach to understanding and enhancing our future consciousness, serving as a guide for creating a realistic, constructive, and ethical future. So reviews can be shared on blogs, Facebook, Good Reads, Twitter, LibraryThing and other social media, and don't forget to post your reviews on any online retail sites where you buy books, e.g. Option 1: "Requested" – add today's date – this is for hard-copy request. Digital review copies are usually sent within one week. To all other contacts we will send a PDF and will offer them the option of a hard copy or EPUB if they prefer. The subject hook on this email was: Crime and Corruption in the South African Mining Industry, A Novel. Wendell Bell, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Fellow, Koerner Center, Yale University. We submit qualifying titles for review to the trade journals Publishers Weekly & Booklife, Library Journal, School Library Journal, American Libraries Association’s Booklist and Kirkus Reviews in the USA and The Bookseller in the UK. As publisher, we cannot add reviews to online sites such as Amazon, The Book Depository, Goodreads and others. We value the time that reviewers and journalists spend writing about our books. The development of a sustainable, flexible e-strategy reflects our long-term status as an industry leader, as well as our commitment to minimising our environmental impact by implementing green initiatives wherever possible. In the My Springer area, go to Online Book Review Copies, and click on “Show All” to access the personal book reviewer page. If you are a book reviewer or journalist and would like to review one or more of our books, we are happy to support you. And in “Contact Search” enter your organization or the name of your contact; a short distinctive word with no ambiguous hyphens or apostrophes works best. Promote your book to thousands of early book reviewers and book review blogs. Apple, Google Play, Sainsbury’s, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Hive, Powell’s. We will continue to allow the age-old practice of providing advance review copies of books." Steal a few million and they put you in charge. Reviews can help sell more copies of your books, including Kindle ebooks. I was targeting Crime Book bloggers. Last year we offered 5,500 copies, and had 1,500 print reviews. Send ARCs and review copies effortlessly. Thomas Lombardo, Ph.D. is the Director of the Center for Future Consciousness and The Wisdom Page, the Managing Editor of online journal Wisdom and the Future, and Professor Emeritus and retired Faculty Chair of Psychology, Philosophy and the Future at Rio Salado College. You should now have a download box appear on your computer. Most review copies end up for sale as used books on eBay, Amazon and others. Please note that we provide solicited review copies in electronic format for confirmed pieces in journals, newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets (television, radio, etc.). The PDF is on the Marketing page, the EPUB is on the Production page. If you would like to order a review copy or have detailed questions, please contact the review team. You can do this through your own accounts, more on Amazon in Chapter 12. The date given when a review copy is "Sent" is the date we send the instruction to the warehouse. Back cover copy is useful. If reviewers ask you what to do with their review, please ask them to send it to you or In the “Title” box type a distinctive keyword or the title exactly… it matters not… if you do the former you may get more search results. The date should be within a few days of the "delivered" date given in the relevant Purchase Order, which you can see at the bottom of the Production page. It is not always easy to track reviews though, so we ask that if you see a review of your book, please do check on the “Reviews” section of the “Book Details” page to see if it appears there. Finally, keep your own spreadsheet of reviewers, identifying your ideal reader, by genre is important, again this is discussed in Being Your Own Publicist, as is contacting bloggers. Amazon has issues with authors reviewing other books – check their Customer Review Guidelines (UK. We include a short note about the book and maybe a buy link to the book on Amazon. Take it from there! In CHAPTER 9 –AUTHOR BRANDING we also discuss the importance of setting up an author email list, that you can build on. Always pay attention to their Review Policy and ensure your book is a match for them. “+add activity”. This is a public group. I hope it is OK to address you this way, I couldn't find your name. With our regular reviewers, we track when a review is appearing in print or online. To anyone who requests one. If you would like to request a review copy from Oxford University Press, please contact our Publicity Department and include your name and publication as well as the title, author and ISBN of the title you would like to review. Sep 1, 2020 - Explore's board "Review Copies" on Pinterest. Click on the access button. Starting a book review blog puts you in full control, and you may begin earning pay for your reviews that much earlier. Also, you can then open your blog/site to authors who are seeking reviews or doing blog tours. There’s help on using Contacts in Chapter 10. © John Hunt Publishing 2018Registered Company No: 02923843Privacy PolicySite by Studio Republic. It might mean you'll then start getting your books for free from the author/publishers. This article is designed to help you get those initial reviews to bring in and sales and, you guessed it, more reviews. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. You can read, review and post your review, and also forward to others for review. Get book ARCs from the small indie publishers, the big 5, Facebook groups, Goodreads groups, and social media. Click on "Search Books" on the top yellow bar. Requests are automatically collated in the office once a week, and when they are sent the "Request" will be changed to "Sent,” with the date. Printed books reach the warehouses by the first day of the month of publication, and EPUB is uploaded just in time for publication. The next part of the email is standardly sent to all those I am targeting and tells the reviewer about the author and book. We will target bloggers in your genre for reviews and we suggest that you pursue this yourself when doing your own publicity. It should grey out once you run your mouse over it. Publishers Weekly accepts both digital and print review copies. Therefore, it is ok to send an Advanced Review Copy (ARC), e-book or hardcopy to potential reviewers. Because ARCs may not have been put through the entire editing process, the copy will often differ slightly from the standard edition of the book. If you are a book reviewer or a journalist and would like to review one or multiple books by Springer Nature, we are happy to support you. When we send it (or send the request to the warehouse for it to go, which can then take a few days to leave the warehouse) we tick it as "Arranged/sent." ISBN: 978-1-78099-985-2 (Paperback) £31.99 $49.95, EISBN: 978-1-78279-070-9 (e-book) £12.99 $17.99. Advanced Reader Copies. So, if you slag off on the book, you might get dropped from the list for future free books. This section just covers print reviews, in magazines/newspapers/journals. Regularly assessing how our resources are produced and used is an important part of our commitment to reduce Springer Nature’s impact on the environment. All of the reviews were honest, very few of them 5-stars, and I always included a sentence saying I received a copy of the book without obligation to post a review. Thomas Lombardo reveals how we can flourish in the flow of evolution and create a prosperous future for ourselves, human society and the planet. If not found, go to “New Contact” in the blue menu at the top. Submit your book for reviews today! He lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. BookSirens is one of the best ARC review services on the web to help get your book reviewed. Stephen Wakefield, the in-house lawyer and a director of the company, begins preparing for the enquiry, but he struggles to understand what happened – Mamela should not have been anywhere near the place he was killed. If you'd like to try this service, feel free, but you'll need to make your own payment arrangements. Option 2: "Arranged"– add today's date – if you are emailing the contact the PDF review copy. With some, our interests coincide closely, we work with them constantly, and they review most of the titles we publish in the relevant subject areas. Working with a more established writer, here is another example. The principle here is that we are collaborative as a group. It's one person's opinion, maybe not a well-formed one. ). Please be aware that if you request advance copies for marketing or sales in USA and they reach our warehouse NBN more than two months before the original publication date, this new date will be brought forward and distributed to all trade databases including Reviewers may wish to read from their preferred eReader, but the ePub is not created until nearer to publication date; before this time we only have the PDF although this can be converted to other formats, see the notes below on Calibre, one of many free pieces of software that can convert files. It turns out that Amazon provides a simple way to send copies of your ebook … You will find a PDF file on the, Once your title is published, there will be an EPUB file available on the. We provide solicited review copies in electronic format for confirmed pieces in journals, newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets (television, radio, etc. You can find out more about these commitments in our annual Responsible Business Report. Your family and friends and colleagues are a good place to start, we discuss this more fully in CHAPTER 9: MARKETING – Being Your Own Publicist – Reviews are the lifeblood of your book promotion, so what do you need to do to get them? Start with a sentence saying what the book is about. ; Indie Reader, a new website, invites authors to submit their books for review, and they have published over 150 reviews on their site already. See more ideas about ebook, paperbacks, free books. The widgets are customizable based on the types of review copies you like. This will feed to your page on our website and into newsletters. It becomes clear to Stephen that Mamela had tried to blackmail the guilty party to help his lover, who is in prison for attempting to steal a trifling amount from the mining company. Reviews are important but how to get them is a question most authors ask. We value the time that reviewers and journalists spend writing about our books. Apart from: Which trade journals will my book be submitted to? digital review copies. Attract media coverage, podcast interviews, etc. Anyone can join and invite others to join. Booklist( American Libraries Assoc): new academic titles or ones for mainstream general libraries for US readers of all ages. Whether your book is coming out soon or it has been out for a while, sending out review copies of your book can lead to a variety of opportunities: Acquire reviews on Amazon and beyond. Steal a few cents and they put you in jail. 4. KEYWORDS: Future Consciousness, Evolutionary Psychology, The Psychology of Wisdom and Enlightenment, Character Virtues, Self-Responsibility and Self-Control. Titles with other contracts are submitted to PW’s sister review journal for indie publishers, Booklife. During the review process, some authors like to download a copy of their book in PDF format to allow them to review it on their computer. However, many authors are unsure about how to send review copies of Kindle ebooks to potential reviewers. 2. There will be an official State enquiry into his death, by the Inspectorate of Mining. Publishers Weekly: all new titles with Level 1 or 2 contracts. Book reviews are one piece of the book marketing puzzle. However it can take a couple of weeks for printed review copies to reach the recipient, or longer, depending on whether the copies are sent from the office, or whether from the warehouse (depending on destination, number, stock in the office), how long the warehouse takes to process our request, whether the warehouse is in the UK or USA or Australia etc. You cannot get them removed, unless they are libelous. Every author and user of our system can access a review copy of every title: Here are some more tips from the Huffington Post. The default will be a PDF, even if you add a request for a hard copy. Please note that all review copies are sent at the sole direcretion of Springer Nature and are for personal use only. Simply because then we get authors putting up far too many, often unrealistic ones. Just create a PDF and send that to the reviewer via email. I hope you find something of interest to you here. Click “Search.”. When a reviewer wants a hard printed copy of the book rather than a PDF sent electronically we refer to it as "HC". You now go to the page for that book – it will probably look very like your own. Don’t blanket mail contacts. Tom Lombardo is probably the single most impressive thinker, philosopher and author I have met in recent times. review copies, Reviews are the lifeblood of publicity. An important piece that some authors find impossible. National media and key trade buyers and reviewers need review copies two to three months before publication. Also known as ARCs, or advance review copies, these are produced privately by publishers and distributed to booksellers and journalists prior to the official release date. In the truly specialist journals, blogs and magazines, with circulations of less than 1000, the chances are higher.