main task for high school students is to study hard in order for them to get a well-paid job in the future. Because of this, communication and relationships are strained, and it’s difficult to make time or prioritize the people they love. The main reason why many students work in their spare time is because they lack the money to live comfortably in college. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('ieltsBanDiv'); }); Many students see an advantage to being employed, but working while learning has its drawbacks, too. But with work taking most of one’s time, as well as academics, there’s little time to spend with loved ones. For some working while in school is a necessity, for others its simply a desire. In addition to offering a paycheck, some independence and satisfaction, a part-time job can provide both training and experience. The good thing about working part-time while studying is the fact that money will not be the only thing which you will gain through working. Search Results. While part-time jobs have excellent benefits for students in terms of learning, what about the rest? Unfortunately, a part-time job can adversely affect students in many ways, such as: The main worry many parents AND students face when getting a part-time job is how it affects one’s studies. Stress. UNidays Good academic results are crucial if you want to obtain and maintain scholarships. 919 Words | 4 Pages. In this fast-paced society, you should not just sit still and do nothing more other than studying. To some students, it is sheer extra pleasure while to others, it is essential. Block out crucial dates (e.g. Discover more about institutions in your ideal destination to find your perfect match. It’s seen to be a good thing to raise the responsibilities of a child. You should be able to avoid plummeting into your student overdraft. There are many reasons why part time jobs for students could be a bad idea. Because they have another thing to do and it will get their attention. Source: Shutterstock. A part-time job can be less of a benefit and more of a distraction for the typical student. But there are several disadvantages of part-time jobs as well. It helps you gain value for your money, and to even earn extra to treat yourself out. 2. Getting a part-time job teaches you to think outside the box learning more things that school doesn’t teach you. We’ve done some investigative work and found five unusual scholarships and bursaries that you probably didn’t even know existed. One of the most important things a student must focus on is their me time as well. After all, they can earn money as they pursue their dreams! Furthermore, they need to maintain a good health for their study, and it may risk … Save money with, A major concern for many prospective students is the cost of studying abroad. Despite the struggle of burning the candle at both ends, part-time jobs during college can actually benefit students. Learn how to work with and for other people as opposed to confining yourself to the solitary pursuit of studying. Your thoughts are much appreciated. It shows dedication, commitment, and understanding of the working world. But our life will be a mess if we take part-time jobs besides studies. Who knows you might even be able to gain some experience in the field(s) in which you wish to venture into upon your graduation. Take advantage of huge discounts, useful apps, student cards and on-campus giveaways during your stay abroad. ...Why College Students Should Consider Getting a Part-Time Job Deciding whether or not you will get a part time job throughout college is one of the most important decisions that you will have to make. This is where financial aid in the form of scholarships is invaluable. Students should not take part time job while they are studying in universities. I agree that university students should be allowed to have part-time jobs. I notice that some students are late for class or look sleepy in the class, because they need to work in an uncertain time and it means they need to work at night sometimes. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('ieltsBanTxt'); }); You’re probably aware that scholarships are highly sought after by prospective students, as university is not the cheapest and the bills do add up. I’ll help you explore. In a nutshell, student should or should not to have a part time job is based on their own ability. Not only can you gain valuable working experience but working part-time can present you with multiple networking opportunities. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences as a working student, then comment below! However, many students are not aware of the funding options available to them or feel they wouldn’t be eligible. Just a little research into scholarships could end up saving you a great deal, The truth is, university is an expensive time. For example, a student who earned between $5,000 and $15,000 (roughly equivalent to a standard 20-hour a week part-time job) during the first year of a two-year associate degree program subsequently earned $4,200 more a year, on average, than a student who didn’t work.