Dunbar's reputation among his immediate successors was considerable. use "reputation" in a sentence His reputation among his colleagues has been bolstered by his success in the project. On completing his course, Melville left St Andrews with the reputation of "the best poet, philosopher, and Grecian of any young master in the land.". The reputation will not come because of striving. He took a leading part in the formation of the party of the Centre in 1870-1871, but he did not become a member of it, fearing that his reputation as a follower of the king of Hanover would injure the party, until he was formally requested to join them by the leaders. 3. They have the reputation of being neither industrious nor intelligent. His great reputation led to his being entrusted by the government with several missions; in 1865 he represented Prussia in the conference called at Frankfort to introduce a uniform metric system of weights and measures into Germany. Examples of Reputation in a sentence. He has bad reputation of being dishonest. Examples of reputation of in a sentence: 1. , Because Matt has a reputation as a womanizer, many women won’t date him. During the 16th and the 17th centuries its German educational establishments enjoyed a wide reputation. Here he introduced many improvements in map-making, and gained a scientific reputation which led (in 1751) to his election to the chair of economy and mathematics in the university of Gottingen. The well-known sentence of Carlyle, that it is "as far as possible from meriting its high reputation," is in strictness justified, for all Thiers's historical work is marked by extreme inaccuracy, by prejudice which passes the limits of accidental unfairness, and by an almost complete indifference to the merits as compared with the successes of his heroes. 178), a 2nd century opponent of Christianity, known to us mainly through the reputation of his literary work, The True Word (or Account; aXr191ts ?kayos), published by Origen in 248, seventy years after its composition. 264+59 sentence examples: 1. It remains to speak of two systematic writers on medicine in the 18th century, whose great reputation prevents them from being passed over, though their real contribution to the progress of medicine was not great - Cullen and Brown. The high commissioner, true to his reputation as a prudent statesman and astute politician, showed great skill in dealing with the situation. Pears, apples, quinces, mulberries an d other fruit-trees flourish, as well as vines; the Cretan wines, however, no longer enjoy the reputation which they possessed in the time of the Venetians. 2. At last, in 1795, the House of Lords gave a verdict of not guilty on all charges laid against him; and he left the bar at which he had so frequently appeared, with his reputation clear, but ruined in fortune. A good reputat The high reputation it had in medieval times is attested by the numerous translations, commentaries and imitations of it which then appeared. He succeeded in preserving harmony, and thus established his own reputation as an able diplomatist. Constable, the Ballantyne Press, Morrison & Gibb, Turnbull & Spears, and others, admirably maintain the traditional reputation of the Edinburgh press. Sentence with the word reputation. In 1886 he became chancellor of St Paul's, and it is said that he declined more than one offer of a bishopric. In the Toth century IIushiel, one of four prisoners, perhaps from Babylonia, though that is doubtful, was ransomed and settled at Kairawan, where he acquired great reputation as a Talmudist. He became a B.A. The community is in the main composed of simple working people, who, apart from their peculiarity, have a good reputation; but their avoidance of professional medical attendance has led to severe criticism at inquests on children who have died for want of it. For a couple of centuries Lydgate's reputation equalled, if it did not surpass, that of his master. 55.2%. Anyone who read an article about him knew his reputation as the king of one-night stands. ), and not only does Edom possess some reputation for " wisdom," but, where this district is concerned, the old Arabian religion (whose historical connexion with Palestine is still imperfectly known) claims some attention. But the headquarters of the opposition was Germany, and its leader was Dollinger, whose high reputation and vast stores of learning placed him far above any other member of the band of the theological experts who now gathered around him. ROBERT EMMET (1778-1803), Irish rebel, youngest son of Robert Emmet, physician to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland, was born in Dublin in 1778, and entered Trinity College in October 1793, where he had a distinguished academic career, showing special aptitude for mathematics and chemistry, and acquiring a reputation as an orator. It was to him, however, like a ground-wire in telegraphy- it carried off the nervous force tingling in him and driving him to impulsive action, while his reputation called for a constant outward urbanity, a philosophical apathy. Meanwhile he had gained a high reputation as a preacher, and especially as the advocate of religious freedom; but his teaching became more and more offensive to the orthodox party, and on the appearance (1864) of his article on Renan's Vie de Jesus in the Nouvelle Revue de theologie he was forbidden by the Paris consistory to continue his ministerial functions. Franklin's reputation," wrote John Adams with characteristic extravagance, " was more universal than that of Leibnitz or Newton, Frederick or Voltaire; and his character more esteemed and beloved than all of them.. A man of rare intelligence, a fearless horseman and an eloquent orator, Abd-el-Kader had acquired a great reputation by his Abd piety. There are over 30 mosques in the town, a dervish monastery, and numerous theological colleges (medresses), and the Moslem inhabitants have a reputation for bigotry. It had a reputation for piracy at various times in its history. He had the reputation of a responsible ranchman. His growing scientific reputation secured his election to the membership of the Academy of Berlin, of the Academy of Sciences of France and of the Royal Society of London. reputation / examples. There were then 8 British ships in Dover under Rear-Admiral Nicholas Bourne, and 15 near Rye under Robert Blake, a member of parliament, and soldier who had gained a great reputation in the Civil War. (salvage, restore, save, defend, maintain, protect) How to use reputations in a sentence. What are synonyms for reputation? His practice extended rapidly in the civil and criminal courts, and he regularly appeared before the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, where his work, though not financially profitable, increased his reputation. descending into the political arena, became identified with the doctrines of one political party in the state - doctrines odious to the majority of the nation - and at the same time became associated with acts of violence and injustice, losing at once its influence and its reputation. No man can understand why a woman shouldn't prefer a good reputation to a good time. 3. well-earned reputation in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary. Examples of well-earned reputation in a sentence, how to use it. ), whose power of imagination and brilliancy of style, no less than his true representations of Hungarian life and character, have earned for him a European reputation. Examples of how to use the word 'reputation' in a sentence. (destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt) " Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation? The thoroughbred Kentucky horse has long had a world-wide reputation for speed; and the Blue Grass Region, especially Fayette, Bourbon and Woodford counties, is probably the finest horse-breeding region in America and has large breeding farms. Few orators belonging to the Church of England have acquired so great a reputation as Liddon. (have, earned) " He destroyed my reputation. His reputation is at stake. Their places, however, were taken by Andrew Hamilton, speaker of the Assembly of Pennsylvania and a lawyer of great reputation in the English colonies. ; Demosth. Like Dokhturov he had the reputation of being a man of very limited capacity and information, and like Dokhturov he never made plans of battle but was always found where the situation was most difficult. The best-known amongst them, and that to which Avicenna owed his European reputation, is the Canon of Medicine; an Arabic edition of it appeared at Rome in 1593 and a Hebrew version at Naples in 1491. The great council consisted of 3200 citizens of blameless reputation and over twenty-five years of age, a third of the number sitting for six months in turn in the hall of the Cinquecento expressly built for the purpose. Good Time Reputation. The reputation for low infectivity of rubella was probably based on failure to recognise rashless cases. A company is like a reputation that was not of the Royal Society the posthumous reputation of being bully! Architecture is a Chinese proverb that states that of Mirabeau Wolsey, more was raised the! Was a man of rare intelligence, a fearless horseman and an eloquent orator, Abd-el-Kader had a... Was not of the writer 's great reputation. 's great reputation a. Demagogue, and the way these people think of you poem owed its subsequent.... 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